Selected examples of how my research has had wider impacts on policy and practice and ways I have engaged public audiences with my work:

Environmental support for flourishing in older age

I created a summary of research findings for public audiences, ‘Supportive environments for flourishing in older age’, printed as a booklet and accessible at the University of Edinburgh website: 

I co-led the design and delivery of public exhibition ‘Worlds of Care’ at the 2022 Edinburgh Science Festival, part of the University of Edinburgh’s programme.

Bereavement care in primary care

Realist review of bereavement care in primary care findings contributed to development of ‘Very Brief Advice tool for general practice staff supporting bereaved patients’:

The Very Brief Advice tool was included in the Royal College of General Practitioners Palliative and End of Life Care toolkit:

I produced an online case study of my work on bereavement care published on the National Institute for Health Research School for Primary Care Research website:

Bereavement support during COVID-19

Work on bereavement care during the pandemic was featured in global media and on the University of Cambridge website: 

and Department webpages:

Research on bereavement care during the pandemic cited in the UK Commission on Bereavement report ‘Bereavement is everyone’s business’ published in September 2022: